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Set Up


Establish class accounts for the following Web 2.0 tools



Make sure to get parental permission by having them complete a consent form.



Ideally I'd like to attempt this project In the early Fall of 2013 on a trial basis.  I've a friend in Missouri who also teaches 5th grade.  Ive sent her a message through Facebook asking if she'd be interested in working on this project with me.   I'd like to work out any problems the project may have with someone I have known for some time.  Without issues like language barriers and time differences it would be relatively easy to get in touch by phone and resolve problems we encounter.  I also believe there are some cultural differences between students in rural Missouri and my students who have a more urban experience. 


If the Fall experience is a success and we find the project to be worthy of continued instructional implementation, I will continue the project with the intent of finding a more culurally diverse partner class.  I am hopeful that I will be able to gather enough information during the Fall trial that I can make a preliminary assessment about whether the project is practicable on an international basis and begin advertising on E-Pals and through other social media that I am looking for a partner class. 


Through extensive travel I've become aquainted with friends from other countries that I will likely contact regarding participation, most notably a Norwegian author and publisher of books for children, Martin Joyce Nygaard who I would very much enjoy involving in the collaborative writing part of the project. 


Interested Participants may contact me through my email, or through a posting on E-Pals.


Text for the E-Pals posting is as follows:


I teach Language Arts to a group of advanced level learners ages 10 and 11.  We would like to connect with another classroom in order to participate in a 9 week long telecollaborative project.  The goal of our project is to explore the elements and themes of folktales with students from other cultures and to work together to write original folktales.  Project start date will be February 2014.  Please feel free to contact me at for details or to express interest in participating in the project.  


I will make every attempt to respond to all email inquiries regarding the project.  Once I have aquired a partner class I will communicate with the teacher primarily through email, Skype, and  the project website.  I will work with this teacher to ensure we are in agreement about the details of the project and the procedures.  I will also create an online calendar we can use to collaboratively develop a schedule for the project.  Ideally this initial communication will begin during the Fall so that by the time we are ready to implement the project we have a shared understanding of expectations. 


If the international experience is a success I'd like to continue the program and participate on a grade level rather than individual class level.  That will take some thoughtful scheduling, but can be done.  I will continue to seek project partners through E-pals and personal friendships.  I will also create a project website that promotes our experiences and collaborative student work.   

Contingency Plan and Potential Problems


When combining technology and learning there are potential problems that must be considered before engaging in the project. 


  • Technology may not work appropriately

In this event lessons may be extended or postponed as necessary.  With parental consent some of the students may be able to work from home on the story collaboration.


A contingency schedule can be arranged to use classroom computers among the grade level as well as the mobile laptop cart.  While this won't provide enough computers for all students it will allow student participation with some creative scheduling


Although the intent is to adhere to a timetable based on regularly scheduled computer lab time, additional time can be reserved and arrangements can be made with the administration to allow this project priority during flexible computer lab time. 


Internet down time is rare in our school, but in the event that it should happen, students will be assigned contingency lessons for that day that have already been planned.


  • Students may lack experience with the technology.

A Technology Club will be formed at the beginning of the 2013-2014 school year and as the leader of the club I will instruct members of the club extensively in each of the technologies used during this project so that they might assist as necessary.


  • ​​Communication/Participation problems may exist

If a student  does not receive regular contact from his/her partner an email will be sent to the teacher.  If the problem continues the student will be reassigned a new partner.  if this is not possible, he/she will be paired with another student in our class.


Time difference plays a minimal role in this project.  If it should prove to be a problem, schedules will be adjusted as necessary.  Most components of the project will not be affected by any time difference.





Seek Partners



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